Prison Pit

Character Planning

We know your characters are all prisoners. However, there should be more to them than that...

What was I before?

What was the character's profession before? Here are some ideas although they are not all that's available.

What went wrong?

Obviously, life for your character has gone downhill sharply at some point. What might have happened? Some ideas.

What crime am I in here for?

Nobody gets exiled to a prison planet for shoplifting. Whatever you were convicted of, it was very serious, up to and including Imperial High Justice crimes (things like genocide, use of nuclear weapons on sentients, treason, murdering a noble, piracy of Imperial vessels, being a psionic and so on)

Did I do it?

Generally, prisoners on Odegra will be genuinely guilty of the crimes for which they're convicted. However, the only faultless justice system in known space is that of the Zhodani (who read people's minds to check), and miscarriages of justice do happen. Based on the above results, you probably have a feel for whether your character should really be here or not.

What will I do when I get out?

This may vary by why you're here in the first place. Some possibilities.